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At The Feel Good Fellowship, we know it makes very good business sense to ensure that all consumers feel spoken to in an authentic and respected way, and where holistic wellbeing is front and centre of any brand and citizen communication strategy. It is a brand's duty to make customers 'feel good' about each and every purchase they make. In this time of immense change and social unrest it is pivotal that the conscious citizen's desire for a more transparent and meaningful brand transaction is adhered to on every aspect of 'good' business.


In short, The Feel Good Fellowship adopts a documentary approach to share the true story behind the brands we buy. Who are they really and what are their core values? 


Working in partnership with our clients, we take you behind the scenes to deliver a series of 'truth' films that lift that marketing fourth wall and showcase the full company credentials, principles and cultures on the following sectors:


Race, diversity and inclusion representation in-house

covid compassion and learnings for industry and citizen

holistic view of our consumers reality

sustainability practises

plastic pledge and promise

the distribution and sourcing story

impact of social media activity

mental health and wellbeing focus in all marketing activity

company culture and opportunities in-house

LGBTQ + representation in-house, creative strategy and branded communications

charity partners and their CSR activity

ethical and factual messaging

post production effects and honesty around manipulation of digital images

and offering a stage for our unsung in-house heroes. 


"The most effective and powerful gift we can now give to all of our consumers is complete honesty...the true story....all of it! Only then can we make real progress towards a better world which is kind to people and planet first, before just profit. Citizen integrity and the need for curiosity will win over any clever marketing spin, so in this new age, just tell your truth!" 

Scott Wimsett, Founder and CEO of The Feel Good Fellowship. 

The Feel Good Fellowship is a registered non for profit Community Interest Company. 


One in six people will experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives and identified rates of anxiety and depression have increased by 70% over the past 25 years. From a report in 2017, The Royal Society of Public Health's research has shown that young people themselves say four of the five most used social media platforms actually make their feelings of anxiety worse. 

It certainly isn’t all bad news, social media holds the potential to be a powerful lever to support good mental health.

Brands have to work hard to ensure that they are protecting their audience and our future generations. We celebrate, and understand the power of beautiful imagery, but acknowledge that there needs to be purpose behind the picture. We have had enough of the digital dump, and use the Fellowship as a way of showing citizens that what they're seeing is what they're getting, no frills, no fakery, no feeling bad about yourself. 


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